Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mary (Lane) and Colton Hickman Take Internship in Henderson, Nevada

Life is wonderful! Colton just received a summer internship in Henderson, Nevada working for a company called "Olin Clor Alkali". He will be doing chemical manufacturing. He only has one more year left at BYU before he graduates in Chemical Engineering.

Since we are moving for the summer, I attempted to give my two-weeks-notice at work but instead my boss offered me an opportunity to work remotely from Nevada. I was blown away! We are feeling so blessed and grateful. Everything else is going well. We have lots of family and friends in Utah we will miss over the summer, but we are excited to meet new people and make new friends. 

Colton's health is still great. He gets an MRI every year, and there has been no reappearance of the brain tumor. 

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